Monday, December 1, 2008


So i went to Cali. for thanksgiving! it was so freakin' amazing! so.... i didn't go 2 school 2day 'cause i didn't feel like it! jk:) i didn't go 'cause we didn't have anything 4 our lunches!:)muah!<3.
So my life has basically been sssuuuupppeeerrr hectic! trust, family, friends....and a lot of other stuff! but it's all fun! except for the part where i dropped my phone in the pool @ our hotel:(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(!!!!!!!! It wasn't totally my fault! i was leaning over the pool 2 help my lil' sis' Ivy and my jacket didn't have such a great pocket and it kind of fell out!:(
I'm soooooo bored! i hate Mondays! especially since i just drove home from Cali. last night!:) My back hurts so bad though 'cause i rode all of the roller coasters @ sixflags and my head was banged around and it hurts really bad:( waaaahhh!:( jk it's not that bad! i'll live
So i saw "TWILIGHT" it was soooooooooooooo bloody amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!! Edward is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo HHHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so was Emmet! so i'm trying 2 get my dad 2 take us to it again but he's like no! so if any of u have good ideas on how 2 get my dad 2 take us again PPPLLLEEEEEZZZ tell me what they are!

Friday, October 24, 2008


so i probably wont be doing anymore posts sorry guys! not that any of u were looking at them but yeah so sorry:[so dont be looking 4ward 2 hearing from me:]<3

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Metrostation is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!

omygoodness metro station is amazing! im listening to shake it! oh wait it just ended:[ but now their song now that were done is on its pretty intense! im also wearing my amazing cousin Cole's hat! oh dang that song ended too noe its playing california i luve this song i had stuck in my head 2day it was amazing as usual! well my life..... u probably want 2 hear about all the amazing things i've been doing... well um 2day i ate like a 1/4 of a gallon of mint chocolate chip ice cream! it was also amazing! well i did have guitar 2day too it was fun my teacher even stayed 4 dinner! it was funness! well right now im texting my friend carlir and its pretty fun!
Well i have to give a talk in sacrament meeting and im SUPER NERVOUSE! well my mom just got home so i g2g ill tell u more about it l8r! ba-bye!:]

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


so 2night we had young womens and we painted my friend Sammy's nails! it was so amazing! we did them red with purple tips on the 2 middle fingers! it was pretty amazing!!!!!!!!!!!:]


Saturday, September 27, 2008


So last night was my party and it was pretty freakin fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i invited like 20 ppl but i think like 17 or 18 came!!!!!!we played guitar hero and we jumped on the tramp and my guitar teacher came and sang 2 of his songs 2 us and it was pretty amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!thanx COLE!!!!!!(thats his name).
So after a while my mom brought out the cup-cakes and we were eating them and i went over 2 my cousin and she shoved my cup-cake in my face and i got it all over!then i tried 2 shove one in her face but i didnt get her as well as she got me but after that she put another one in my face! then i was still trying 2 get one in her face but my friend Makade took one and shoved it in my face again so i was gonna get him but i just turned around and got my friend Kimball! and it was pretty hilariouse! then Makade and Kimball kept getting me w/ cup-cakes! but then we started throwing chips at eachother but then my mom brought out cans of pop, so i started shaking mine up and i tryed 2 get Makade! it was a pretty fun night all and all(except for the fact that i got a huge orange stain on my shirt:)
But after the boys left me and the girls played what if.... and it was pretty amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 19, 2008


omgosh i totally 4 got that it was nick's b-day on the 16th jeez im such an idiot sometimes!!!!!!!!! well anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY NICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I LUVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UR AMAZING!!!!!(im probably talking 2 myself aren't i?)


Thursday, September 18, 2008

3 groups of ppl in my life

i realized that there r 3 groups of ppl in my life. 1.the idiots(the ppl that drive me crazy) 2.the ppl i know but dont really socialize with(ppl i dont really talk to) 3.and the ppl that i love ( family, friends ect.) oh wait theres 4. the ppl that i dont know but they dont really count (i dont think so anyways) but yeah i probably would have 4gotten that if i didn't write it down